You deserve delicious romance.

Work with me

I serve LOVE with a side of SASS. I am here to hold up a mirror, challenge you, love on you and help you pull back the layers to uncover your true best self so we can upgrade your level of intimacy. We will explore your relationship dynamics past and present; integrating any shadows of fear, grief or shame, turning them into connection, joy, love and pleasure. Total liberation - yum.

We are going to dial up your confidence to level WILD and create JUICY AF relationships.

I have two offerings:

Relationship Rebellion (Couples)

Dissolve everything you have ever been conditioned to think or know about relationships, from movies, songs, family, society. Drop all expectations and get ready to recreate your own revolutionised relationship roadmap. We will explore your edges and allow the space for you to both show up as your most authentic selves, asking for what it is you truly desire in and out of the bedroom.

Dating from Pleasure (Singles)

Dating can often leave you feeling deflated and thinking why am I back in the same old pattern? Perhaps you need to heal a heartbreak or just need to be alone and date yourself for a while. In our time together, I’ll remind you how to come home to yourself, how to truly come from a place of self-love and pleasure. We will deep dive into your attachment system, how you communicate, what boundaries you hold and rework your entire relationship blueprint. Your new blueprint (should you choose) will have you dating from a place of healing, confidence and empowerment.

If you have any questions book a call with me - it’s time for you to live through pleasure.

Do you desire to dive in?